
JAL to Fly Doggy Charter Flight in January

Japan Airlines to Fly Cabin Dog-Allowing Charter Flight in Domestic Route
December 9,2016,Tokyo
Japanese wesite Response reported that Japan Airlines  to  offer special charter flight to allow dog keepers to bring their pets to flight cabin in collaboration with Aeon Pet, a nationwide chain of  pet speciality shops.

Called ‘JET Kagoshima with Your Dog,’ this charter flight is a part of three-day package tour from Tokyo to Kagoshima, a southern city in Kyushu.  

The tourists of this package tour can take their dogs from their home until they return home including flight time in cabin of the charter flight.

Aeon Pet will dispatch its own veterinarian doctor to this package tour for entire journey as its support to lucky customers.

The tour will start on January 27, 2017 until 29th using Boeing 737-800 with 165 seat configuration and the flight number will be JAL111 for both legs. One-one-one sounds barking of a dog for Japanese people.



JAL Answers Customer Inquiry by IBM Watson

Japan Airlines Offers Advice to Baby-accompanying Passengers by ‘Watson’

December 7,2016 


Japanese website Response reported  Japan Airlines (JAL), in collaboration with IBM Japan, will start JAL virtual assistance service ‘Manaka-chan’ exclusively to tour-planning customers to Hawaii with bringing their babies.

‘Manaka-chan’ can answer to inquiries such as what services are available to babies at airports, other amenities inside JAL cabin or where to get baby food in Hawaii.  JAL had offered the same kind of inquiry-answering services through its call center or website.  But this new service can be available around the clock via internet using PCs and smart phone. The service is available for the period of 5 December 2016 to 10 January 2017.

‘Manaka-chan’ is an application of IBM Watson artificial intelligence that learns vast amount of information to get optimum answers.  Using the past data of the call center as well as JAL’s own backup records, JAL and IBM Japan gathered  possible questions from their 10,000 employees to promote the AI’s learning.  Further, chatting with live customers would enhance its accuracy to answer.

JAL plans to use IBM Watson in other interfaces with its customers to get higher customer satisfaction.