
JAL’s Performance shows Better-than-Expected Operating Profit of $1.8 Billion

from Mainichi Shimbun, 8 November 2011

Japan Airlines publicly announced its expected result of consolidated performance of a year ending in March. The sales amount showed a sluggish growth due to the effect of the East Japan Earthquakes in last March.  However, following a drastic business restructuring since January 2010 when the airline went bankruptcy, its operating income is expected to reach JPY140 billion which is twice the size of the target of its rehabilitation plans. This better performance is to pave way to re-listing of the stocks of the company expected sometime around September 2012.

The 3-11 disasters brought with a large drop of passengers in April-May period, resulting as its sales amount of JPY1.15 trillion, smaller than the target by the rehabilitation plans.

In terms of business size, ANA still outnumbers JAL by annual sales. However, JAL will earn more than two times of ANA in operating profit.

On the same day, JAL announced its mid-term performance ending September 2011 as JPY599.8 billion of sales and JPY106 billion of operating profit.